JAKARTA The Amazon Web Services (AWS) shared four technology predictions for this year. This technology trend is quite diverse, ranging from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to technology in the field of education.

Delivered by Chief Technologies for Asia Pacific AWS, Olivier Klein, the first trend that is familiar is a generative AI. Even though it has been widely used, this technology will be designed across cultures so that its understanding is not limited to English.

Generative AI has become very popular and very useful... especially in the field of Big Language Models (LLMs) that have been trained with large datasets. Now, what we believe will happen, this year will become increasingly important (for generative AIs), "said Olivier.

The next prediction comes from the health sector. Olivier suspects that FemTech, a term for technology that supports women's health, will rise this year. This service will be increasingly relied on in providing a hybrid diagnosis.

Furthermore, the technology prediction issued by AWS is the Assistant AI which redefines developer productivity. According to AWS, this AI Assistant will evolve from a basic codemaker to a developer collaborator.

(Assistant AI can) help, for example, find problems in the code, have an overall code explanation, can complete the software engineering task faster, and also make the system more complex more easily.

Finally, AWS predicts technological improvement in the education sector. According to the closed platform, technology in the field of education will experience a big leap and various skills-based training programs will be further mobilized.

Another thing we believe in, which is another prediction for the leap into the announcement, is that we believe that education will change dramatically thanks to this technological change," Olivier said.

In line with the latest prediction, Olivier said that AWS has been holding training in Indonesia on digital skills since 2017. To date, AWS has trained more than 500,000 individuals.

AWS also has more than 150 AWS digital training courses that can be accessed free of charge and available in Indonesian. The course, which was opened, studied various topics related to the basis of cloud, machine learning, to data analysis.

In particular, we believe that in the future the continuous learning will be a shortcoming and we also want to see more about what skills-based training programs we can continue to develop, "explained Olivier.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)