JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, January 5, 2016, all national figures mourned the passing of the Indonesian regent maestro, Edhi Sunarso. His departure brought deep sorrow to all Indonesian people. He is considered a productive artist.

Previously, Edhi Sunarso was often Soekarno's regular in beautifying Jakarta. He is considered capable of absorbing Bung Besar's desire to present a magnificent monument, from the Welcome Statue to the Liberation of West Irian.

Bung Karno is famous as the President of Indonesia who has a high artistic spirit. He was never just an art affair. This condition made him good at the curation of works of art. That is, he has his own list of the best Indonesian artists.

This condition made Bung Karno never do anything to choose an artist. He had to choose from the best to the best. Take for example when Bung Karno wanted to beautify Jakarta. He doesn't want to look for just anyone.

He often entrusted the construction of a historic monument to Edhi Sunarso. The man who was born in Salatiga on June 2, 1932, often had the opportunity to help Bung Karno. However, it was not an easy matter. The tasks given by Bung Karno were sometimes considered quite difficult.

Edhi did not give up. He tried to prove that his reputation as a stunter was unquestionable. He tried to detail Bung Karno's wishes. The meanings that he wanted to show did not escape his attention.

This condition presents a variety of popular works such as the Welcome Statue to the Liberation of West Irian. The two monuments were able to be made by giving a touch related to the optimism of the independent nation. In fact, Edhi continued to gain Bung Karno's trust in building many statues.

He also initiated the Dirgantara Statue (known as the Pancoran Monument). The task was carried out by Edhi as well as possible.

Welcome! Bung Karno shouted excitedly. The figure was full of drama: his hands were stretched, his legs were stretched, his smile grew. And Edhi Sunarso, a young speaker at that time, immediately captured the moment. He translated it into the art of statues, then a Welcome Statue was born which had been held in front of the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout, Jakarta, LN Idayani in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Landmark Throughout Thamrin Sudirman (2005).

Edhi's career did not then fade when Bung Karno was not the number one Indonesian person. He continued to be poor across the Indonesian arts scene. He was even admired and used as a role model by other Indonesian stakeholders.

He continued to work throughout his life. The only thing that made him stop working was death. He died on January 4, 2016. However, many of the new national figures learned of his death on January 5, 2016.

This condition makes condolences come from everywhere. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his condolences and revealed that Edhi's work was able to inspire the younger generation. The writer Goenawan Mohamad also revealed that Edhi is the largest trigger in Indonesian art.

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Anies Baswedan, did not want to be left behind. He was surprised by the news of Edhi Sunarso's death. He revealed that Edhi is the best clogged mogul owned by Indonesia.

"We are sorry for the passing of the best Indonesian maestro, Empu Ageng Seni Edhi Soenarso. We know the figure of the artist and owner of the sculpture workshop during elementary school."

"He may not know us, but at that time we liked to look at his sculpture workshop, he didn't forbid us and let us look closely. That's very impressive," said Anies as quoted by the Ministry of Education and Culture website, January 5, 2016.

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