JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo said water-saving rice irrigation (IPHA) techniques would be implemented throughout Indonesia after successfully operating a pilot project in the Rangkaan irrigation area (DI), Cirebon Regency.
"The difference is in how to plant, the use of water is reduced, but the production of unhulled rice can increase by 2 tons. IPHA is planned to be implemented throughout Indonesia because this is one solution that even water-saving can be maximized, God willing, I can believe it," said Dodi while reviewing the IPHA pilot location in Cirebon, West Java, as reported by ANTARA.
Dody said that the application of IPHA covering an area of 85,867 hectares (ha) in the Range since last year is arguably a successful pilot project. After that, the implementation of IPHA in DI Kamun, Majalengka, covering an area of 2,000 ha, which is currently still in the socialization stage.
The method of irrigation water-saving rice is a rice cultivation technique with a plant, water and soil management system. The aim is to increase the effective, efficient, proportional use of water, increase the area of planting areas (IP), especially during the dry season, and increase farmers' production and income.
Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Kementerian PU Bob Arthur Lombgia mengatakan, penggunaan IPHA dapat menghemat penggunaan air sebanyak 30%. "Bemat biaya hanya membutuhkan benih 10 kilogram per hektare dan menemat waktu panennya lebih cepat karena ditanamkan angin muda. Hasilnya terbukti dapat meningkatkan produksi hingga mencapai 11 ton per ha," kata Bob.
By using the water-saving rice irrigation method, the remaining water supply can be used to other areas in the dry season so that it can increase the planting area by up to 30 percent.
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