JAKARTA - The late film is ready to launch in cinemas throughout Indonesia starting Thursday 9 January. This horror genre film will dive into Javanese myth about Tuesday Kliwon.

The producer of the deceased, Oswin Bonifanz, said that this film, apart from providing elements of horror, also brings deep reflections about modern life.

"In this modern era, many people are busy chasing world titles, both professional and academic, so they forget to prepare themselves for their eternal title later as the deceased. This film invites the audience to reflect on the balance between world achievements and spiritual provisions," said Oswin in the Bekasi area, West Java, Saturday, January 4.

Dimas Aditya, who plays Wisesa in the film made by Unlimited Production in collaboration with Light House, A&Z Films, and DAP, shared his experience during the shooting process of the deceased.

The shooting process for this film is really deep, not only technically but also emotional. There are many scenes that demand me to explore the emotions of loss and fear," said Dimas.

"In addition, I have also learned a lot about Javanese traditions, especially the myth of Tuesday Kliwon, which I previously only knew about in stages. This is a challenging experience, but very enriching as an actor," he continued.

Meanwhile, Ratu Sofya, who plays Nuri, admitted that the shooting process she did at the deceased really provided a horror experience that connoisseurs of films.

One of the most challenging scenes is when I have to be buried for 6 hours. The condition is really tense, the body is chills, the breath is short, and it feels unforgettable even after filming is over, "said the Queen.

Apart from Dimas and Ratu, the deceased was supported by a row of actors such as Alzi Markers, Nova Eliza, Rukman Rosadi, Rizky Hanggono, Meisya Amira, Gito Gilas, and Ruth Marini.

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