JAKARTA The EU Parliament (EU) wants to make new regulations regarding the payment of artists on music streaming platforms. They want to set higher royalty rates for artists.

According to the majority of EU MPs, the royalties set today are still unfair. Several music platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music still provide low compensation for artists or music filmmakers.

The currently implemented pre-digital royalty rate must be revised. (Some members) condemn the papay-for-play scheme that forces writers to accept lower or no income at all in return, "the Parliament wrote in an official release.

In addition to making regulations regarding the installation of royalty rates, the EU also demands transparency from Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools on music platforms. With this Draft Law (RUU), members of Parliament want to avoid unfair practices.

If transparency is not carried out, it is possible for artists or music platforms to manipulate streaming figures to add or reduce royalties obtained by artists. This needs to be avoided in order to create fair competition.

In addition to the transparency of streaming figures, this RUU requires the streaming music platform to notify its users when they listen to AI-generated songs. They also have to handle songs created bydeepfake.

With these various rules, EU MP Ibwa Garcmen Del Blanco believes that the authors or music makers and artists will get justice in the art they create. According to him, the work of artists or songwriters should be respected.

"We ask for rules that ensure algorithms and recommendation tools used by transparent music streaming services as well as the use of AI tools so as to place European writers as their centers," said Ib televised, a representative from Spain.

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