JAKARTA-Spotify, on Thursday, November 16 expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to use large language models (LLMs) to help identify user listening patterns on podcasts and audiobooks in order to provide customized recommendations.

Large language models powered by artificial intelligence, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google Bard, are trained to use large amounts of data to generate text and other content.

Google Cloud, which is owned by Alphabet, has several LLMs such as PaLM 2, Codey, Imagen, and Chirp trained on text, code, images, audio, and videos.

Spotify has been an early user of artificial intelligence, which was used for music recommendation algorithms a decade earlier. The Swedish company now aims to use LLMs to replicate this to its non-music content, such as podcasts and audiobooks.

The music streaming giant has been trying to increase revenue by expanding various revenue-producing formats such as podcasts and audiobooks.

"Our technological evaluation is in line with Google Cloud's commitment to building the best platforms for our product running and encouraging further innovation with the generating capabilities of AI emerging," said Gustav Sodderstr\"om, Spotify's Chief Product and Technology Officer.

With the expansion of Google's partnership, Spotify is also exploring the use of LLMs to provide a safer listening experience and identify potentially harmful content.

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