JAKARTA - Google has finally taken the decision to remove the OG application from the Play Store, a week after Apple first did it.

The OG application is an application developed by startup Un1feed, which gives users the freedom to customize the appearance of social media feeds without ads and without suggestions.

"Our fundamental belief revolves around giving power back to users. We believe in the right of users to choose what they consume, when they consume it, and how they do it," Un1feed wrote in its announcement.

Unfortunately, in a thread shared on Twitter recently, the company said that the OG app is no longer able to continue serving users via the mobile app, due to the app uninstaller in the App Store and Play Store.

"Our belief in an open and operable social internet remains strong, and we are still exploring options for achieving that," the company continued.

Despite only launching at the end of last month, Un1feed says that by the time the app has been removed from all mobile app stores, OG has been downloaded by 25.000 users.

Even though at launch Un1feed said that the app would not retrieve account credentials, passwords, and user data, it has the potential to compromise user privacy and security.

Because of this, according to TechCrunch, after launch, Instagram owner Meta said that the app violated its policies and the company would take all appropriate law enforcement actions. However Meta does not provide details on the steps taken.

At the same time, Apple is taking action to remove apps from the App Store. The tech giant banned the app from displaying content from third-party apps in violation of its terms of use.

In a statement, the app developers said they are currently considering further steps, and will provide information in the future.

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