SUMSEL - The team of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Police is trying to develop a case of dolomite fertilizer or known as agricultural lime without a distribution permit from the trade party.

"Based on the confession of a suspect SS who was secured with evidence of 659 sacks or 33 tons of dolomite fertilizer from Padang, West Sumatra, to be marketed in several areas in South Sumatra, this is not the first time, for this reason, the development will be carried out to the area of origin", said the Director of Criminal Investigation at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Barly Ramadhany, in Palembang, Antara, Thursday, October 21.

The case of illegal fertilizer was uncovered by the South Sumatra Police thanks to public information. On September 28, 2021, at around 12.30 WIB, a tronton truck with the number BK 8872 EM loaded with illegal fertilizer will pass on the Palembang-Banyuasin highway.

The police immediately moved by deploying a team of Unit 4 Sub-Directorate 1 of the Tipid Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Polda Sumsel until they finally arrested the suspect.

After inspection, the truck loaded 659 sacks of dolomite fertilizer or ADS brand agricultural lime (33 tons) without a distribution permit from the trade party.

Barly said that his party is trying to break the chain of illegal fertilizer circulation because the content is not by the needs of farmers to neutralize soil acidity or raise soil pH.

Through the development of the case, it is hoped that the illegal dolomite fertilizer distribution network and its production site in Padang City can be dismantled.

The suspect was charged with Article 122 in conjunction with Article 73 of Law No.22 of 2019 concerning sustainable agricultural cultivation systems and Article 62 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph (1) letter an of Law No.8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection with a maximum imprisonment of six years. year.

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