JAKARTA - The Southwest Papua Regional Police (PBD) need an additional 7.049 personnel to strengthen services in the new Indonesian autonomy area.

The Regional Police Chief of PBD, Brigadier General Pol Gatot Haribowo, said that the PDB Regional Police had a shortage of 54.20 percent of personnel or around 7,049 people from the Personnel Composition List (DSP), which should have amounted to 15,392 personnel.

"There are only 8,343 personnel who have been met now and are still scattered in the Polres-Polres," said Gatot in Sorong, Tuesday, December 31, as reported by Antara.

According to Gatot, because it has been established alone, the West Papua Police will transfer some of its personnel.

"In addition, later we will gradually open recruitment of members to strengthen the Southwest Papua Regional Police," said Gatot.

Gatot said the TR of the apparatus or officials of the Southwest Papua Police had been issued at the wakapolda level to the directors, karo and para dansat.

"These already have the names of West Papua Police officials," he said.

In addition, Gatot also has not confirmed when the construction of the Southwest Papua Police Office, but what is certain is that the location of the Polda office is located in Aimas, Sorong Regency.

As many as 16 main officials who will serve at the Southwest Papua Regional Police, namely, the Deputy Chief of Police Kombes Pol Semmy Ronny Tabhaa, Irwasda Kombes Pol Fernando Sanches Napitupulu, Karo Ops Kombes Pol Muji Hindi Harto, Dansat Brimob Kombes Pol Ary Nyoto Setiawan, Dirintelkam Kombes Pol Angling Guntoro, Director Polairud Kombes Pol Budy Utomo.

Karo HR Polda Papua Barat Daya Kombes Pol I Dewa GDE Juliana, Karo Logistik Kombes Pol Nurochman Nulhakim, Karorena Kombes Pol Muhammad Saleh, Director of Criminal Investigation Kombes Pol Junov Siregar, Director of Narcotics Kombes Pol Dewa Made Palguna, Director of Samapta Kombes Pol Egia Febri Kusumawiatmaja, Director of Security for Vital Objects Kombes Pol Irwan Sunuddin.

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