JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto stated that the number of investigators was one of the causes of the decline in the number of settlements of criminal cases in the 2024 period. Although, the number of cases handled increased.

"Crime total and crime clearance. Why is crime clearance decreasing? Because of this, if the number of cases goes up, investigators remain, individual burdens on the team will increase, it will definitely decrease," said Karyoto at the Jakarta Metro Police Year-End Release event, Tuesday, December 31.

"So if the problem is constrained, it is only the number of investigators," he continued.

According to him, many things affect the number of investigators, one of which is retirement. Because, every year there are always retired members of the National Police.

This was not accompanied by the addition of appropriate personnel. Thus, there was a shortage of investigators.

"For example, the Director of General Crimes, 'Pak Kapolda I need 50 investigators', most of which can be taken when he retires 20, plus at most 19 or how much so that the number never exceeds," he said.

Another cause is the difference in the level of difficulty in a case. Thus, it has an impact on the time of completion.

"The level of difficulty in a case is different, the article may be the same as 373 accelerations, for example. But one case can be completed in two months, one case can be completed in half a year," said Karyoto.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya recorded 58,055 criminal acts occurred in its jurisdiction during the 2024 period.

The jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya includes Jakarta, Tangerang City, South Tangerang, Depok, and parts of Bekasi.

This figure shows a two percent increase when compared to the number of crimes that occurred during the 2023 period.

Based on the data, 57,157 crime cases occurred in the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya during the 2023 period.

"Experiencing an increase or an increase of 2 percent or 898 cases from 2023," he said.

In contrast, the number of case settlements during the 2024 period actually decreased by 3 percent. Noted, there are 40,750 cases that have been completed.

"The number of crime clearance is 40,750 cases, a decrease of 3 percent or 1,200 from 2023," said Karyoto.

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