MALUKU - The joint SAR team with the Sanana Port Management Unit (KUPP) Office, North Maluku (Malut) evacuated 100 passengers of KM Simba 1 on the Sanana-Ternate route.

KM Simba had an accident due to a broken steering wheel in the waters of Mangoli Island, Sula Islands (Kepsul).

The head of the Ternate Basarnas, Muhamad Arafah, explained that his party dispatched a Joint SAR team after coordinating with Port Management Unit Office (KUPP) Sanana to assist in the evacuation of passengers.

The unfortunate incident took place on Wednesday at around 01.30 a.m. local time. According to BCC, there was an accident on KM Simba 1 which suffered a broken steering wheel in Mangoli Waters with 100 passengers at coordinates 166 Nm radian 193° from the Ternate Basarnas Office.

At 01.32 a.m. local time, National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) coordinated with KUPP Sanana to confirm and ask for help contacting ship agents, as well as coordinating with BW LESMES for requests for assistance to KM Simba 1.

"At around 09.49 a.m., using KM Barcelona, the Joint SAR Team moved to LKP to evacuate passengers on the KM Simba 1 ship", he explained when contacted, Antara, Wednesday, September 8.

He added that in the accident all passengers and crew members (ABK) were reported safe.

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