JAKARTA – Afraid of being attacked by the masses, the robbers decided to jump from the Kebayoran Lama Flyover, South Jakarta. The head of the Kebayoran Lama Police Station, Ipda Tasori, said the gang members jumped towards the police post which is located just below the Kebayoran Lama Flyover.

"He (the robber) last night jumped down, the police station. The roof of the police post here is damaged”, said Tasori when contacted by reporters, Tuesday, August 24.

Tasori was quite surprised by the reckless action of the robbers. According to him, the perpetrator could die if he fell onto the highway.

“The height from the Flyover to the roof of the police post is five meters. If you reach the floor, 10 meters. Luckily that person didn't die. If he doesn't fall into the post, he will die", said Tasori.

Tasori said the perpetrator was later arrested by his party and taken to the Kebayoran Lama Police.

Previously, the gang of robbers failed to act at the Kebayoran Lama Flyover on Tuesday at around 01.00 WIB. It is known, the perpetrator had intercepted an online motorcycle taxi driver named Sarwono, but his action failed because there were residents who saw and shouted.

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