The flood due to tidal waves hit Indramayu Regency, on Wednesday morning. As a result, hundreds of hectares of productive rice fields were damaged by farmers.
Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said the data received from the Indramayu Regency Government that was damaged by the flood was in Bulak Village, Jatibarang District with an area of about 100 hectares.
The agricultural land had previously been flooded since Friday, December 13, but the collapse of the Bendo River embankment and tidal waves exacerbated the impact.
"As of Tuesday (17 December) the flood began to recede in the afternoon, but the tide occurred again this morning and agricultural land became damaged," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18, which was confiscated by Antara.
BNPB is ready to provide full assistance to the Indramayu Regency Government to overcome the impact of the flood after the local government has declared a disaster emergency alert status which is valid until May 31, 2025.
This was done because the flood not only damaged agricultural land but, he said, the flooding due to the tidal wave also submerged around 2,300 houses in Kandanhaur and Cantigi sub-districts with a water level of up to 1.10 meters.
Based on temporary data that entered the BNPB Operations Control Center, it is known that there were a total of 4,354 families who were victims of the flood disaster.
The majority of the victims chose to stay in their respective homes in a number of villages in the Kandanghaur sub-district, Cantigi. Meanwhile, as many as 93 families in Eretan Kulon Village, Kandangkaur District had to be moved because their houses were heavily damaged.
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