JAKARTA Samsung introduced a new feature for Galaxy mobile users who want to access several applications with one absorption. This feature called Now Bar will be available on the One UI 7 update.
Now Bar is the latest personalization element designed to support the activities of its users. This feature can facilitate access to applications that are considered important or often used, such as messaging, music, and others.
Samsung explains that users use Now Bar as an entertainment controller, personal exercise time counter, communicate in other languages, and much more. All of this can be done if Galaxy's phone firmware has been updated.
"Now Bar will also be an access point for the most comprehensive and in-depth experience ever on Galaxy. Now, your phone will not only tell you, but will also support your lifestyle," said Samsung.
When a user wants to travel, for example from Indonesia to Korea, the phone will ask its users to create a special folder within Now Bar. This folder will contain important applications to support faster access.
Users can add a music application to listen to songs while traveling, users can access weather forecasts, and users can also access messaging applications. All of this can be accessed with just one swab.
"(You) don't have to look for or check various applications. Along the way, your phone captures the magic of every moment, and when the day starts to end, the phone helps you reminisce about the best moments," explained Samsung.
The personalization feature of this application is supported by Galaxy AI so not all devices will get the feature. One UI 7 is also still being released in stages. So far, only the latest model devices can already use One UI 7 firmware.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)