JAKARTA - Bank Saqu, a digital banking service from PT Bank Jasa Jakarta owned by Astra Financial and WeLab, officially launched a new feature called the Friends Law.
This feature is designed to facilitate financial collaboration, and allows customers to save or support business together with friends and family to achieve easier and structured financial goals.
"The launch of this feature is a strategic step for Bank Saqu in strengthening its position as a trusted partner for digital economy players," said Angela Lew Dermawan, Chief Digital Business Officer of PT Bank Jasa Jakarta in an official statement.
Customers can use the Friends Bill feature from Sabung or Transaction Pockets they created. The Saku owner can invite up to 20 members, as well as manage the roles of each member so that each transaction remains safe and under control.
No need to worry, with the Teman Law feature, customers can also monitor the transaction history of each member in Saku which is managed together. In addition, this feature allows customers to:
With the Teman Law feature, Bank Saqu hopes to create an ecosystem that supports solopreneurs in managing their finances more easily, efficiently, and community-based.
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