Police Examine 7 People After Social Minister Risma Protests Extortion For Social Assistance In 'Bag' Mode In Tangerang
Illustration (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The police continue to investigate allegations of illegal levies on cash social assistance (BST) and in-kind social assistance in Tangerang. During the investigation, seven people have been investigated.

"Currently, we have asked 7 people (citizens) for information", said Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Deonijiu De Fatima, to reporters, Monday, August 2.

The examination of the seven residents was to determine the beginning of the alleged extortion. Because they are residents who are said to know about the distribution of social assistance.

"We are asking for information that conveys information (the existence of social assistance)", he said

However, when it was mentioned that there had been direct complaints from residents, Deonijiu denied it.

But, he hopes that all people who feel aggrieved because of extortion immediately report it. Thus, later clues or information will be obtained to uncover the case.

"We expect complaints from the public. Until now, it is still in the process of being investigated by investigators. Yes, hopefully, there will be a connection or connection", said Deonijiu.

Previously, Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Risma Harini, when reviewing the distribution of Social Assistance in Tangerang City, last Wednesday, July 28, was surprised because there were residents who received social assistance, their social assistance money was cut. The pretext of cutting social assistance is to cover the plastic bag money.

Some residents receive social assistance in the non-cash food assistance program (BPNT) worth IDR 200,000, but the food provided is only IDR 177,000 per recipient.

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