JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) again plans to present DPR RI members from the PDIP Faction Ihsan Yunus and Hotma Sitompul as witnesses at the trial of the alleged bribery of social assistance (bansos) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) with the defendant Juliari Peter Batubara. This is because they were not present at the previous trial.

"Witnesses in Monday's trial, June 21, Ihsan Yunus and Hotma Sitompul," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement, Monday, June 21.

In addition to the two people, the prosecutor also plans to present three other witnesses. Thus, a total of five witnesses will be presented.

"(Witnesses) Chandra Andtianti, Merry Hartini, and Eko Budi Santoso," said Ali.


For information, Ihsan Yunus was not present at the previous trial which was held on June 14. He reasoned that he was attending a hearing (RDP) Commission VIII DPR so he was absent to testify in the trial with the defendant former Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Juliari P. Batubara.

"For Ihsan Yunus, we have received a letter that he is unable to attend because there is an RDP meeting of the DPR Commission at the Ayana Midplaza Hotel from June 14 to 16, 2021," said KPK prosecutor Ikhsan Fernandi.

In this case, Juliari was charged with accepting bribes through Adi Wahyono and Matheus Joko Santoso of Rp1,280 billion from a private party named Harry Van Sidabukke.

Then, Juliari also received money of Rp1.950 billion from the President Director of PT Tigapilar Agro Utama, Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja.

Finally, the indictment also states that Juliari received money worth Rp29,252,000,000 or Rp29.2 billion from several providers of goods for the social assistance project.

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