JAKARTA - The Lampung Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) stated that there had been an addition of 96 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lampung, bringing the total number up to 19.351 positive cases.

"So the total is currently 19,351 people from the previous 19.255 who were positive", said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Dr. Reihana in a written statement in Bandarlampung, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 12.

She said of the 96 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, it was known that 83 people were in the new case category, and 13 others were the results of case tracing.

Then, there were 68 people who underwent self-isolation because they were asymptomatic and 28 others were undergoing treatment.

"The addition of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 came from 12 regencies and cities in Lampung Province", she said.

According to her, there were 24 people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in East Lampung Regency, 14 people each in Bandarlampung and Metro City, then in Pringsewu Regency there were 13 people.

"Then there were 8 people in West Lampung and Central Lampung Regencies and 7 people in Pringsewu Regency. cases in South Lampung", she said.

In addition, there were 2 people each who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Pesawaran, Tanggamus, Tulang Bawang, and there was 1 case in Tulang Bawang Barat, as well as in Pesisir Barat Regency.

"In the case of death due to COVID-19, where there was an addition of 4 people who died so that the total death case was 1.084 cases", she said.

She said that in addition to the positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, there was one death case each from Central Lampung, Pringsewu, Metro, and Bandarlampung regencies.

"With the addition of death cases, the death rate is 5.60 percent, while the cure rate is 87.67 percent and the effective reproduction is 0.27", she said.

In addition to positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 and deaths, there were also 45 suspected cases and 3 probable cases, said Reihana.

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