JAKARTA - Muslims all over the world are looking forward to the moment of the last 10 days of Ramadan, to be able to meet the night of Lailatul Qadar. According to Islamic teachings, the night of Lailatul Qadar has many virtues, even better than a thousand months.

However, what is the Night of Lailatul Qadar? Come see the reviews below!

Understanding Lailatul Qadar

Lailatul Qadar is a night that commemorates one of the historical events in Islam, namely the first time the angel Jibril delivered Allah's orders to the Prophet Muhammad.

At that moment there was the first verse that was conveyed by the angel Jibril to the Prophet, namely the letter Al-Alaq verses 1-5 which if the meaning is as follows:

1. Read with (mention) the name of your Lord Who created.

2. He created man from a clot of blood.

3. Read, and God is the most gracious.

4. Who teaches (humans) through kalam.

5. He teaches man what he does not know.

Departing from this incident, Lailatul Qadar is said to be a better night than the existing thousand months because it is the night where the first revelation from Allah was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

When Does the Night of Lailatul Qadar Come? Following are the signs of the arrival of the Night of Lailatul Qadar:

A hadith narrated by HR. Imam Muslim who said:

"That night is a clear night, which is the twenty-seventh night (of the month of Ramadan). And the signs are that the morning the sun rises white without shining rays in all directions."

From the hadith, it is stated that the signs that appear during Lailatul Qadar are as follows:

1. Sunshine Shade

The appearance of Lailatul Qadar is marked by the appearance of the sun with very shady rays, not hot but bright enough. This is explained by the words of the Prophet Muhammad which reads: "The next night Lailatul Qadar the sun rose up high without the rays of a tray."

2. The air feels cool

The second sign is that when Lailatul Qadar appears, cool air will cover the surface of the earth, as explained by the Prophet. "Lailatul Qadar is a peaceful and calm night, not too hot and not too cold, the next morning the sun rises with a weak red light."

As for the time of Lailatul Qadar, according to the hadith narrated by HR. Bukhari, the Prophet Muhammad once ordered Ayesha: "Look for that Lailatul Qadar on the odd date of the last ten in the month of Ramadan."

So it can be interpreted that the occurrence of Lailatul Qadar is during the last 10 days of Ramadan.

As for the virtues of Lailatul Qadar that must be known, namely:

- His past sins are forgiven.

- The merits are doubled.

- Better than a thousand nights worship.

- The descent of the Angel to Earth.

- Safety at dawn

During the Night of Lailatul Qadar, one of the practices that Muslims can do is to pray. Because when praying Lailatul Qadar, it is believed that you can grant all kinds of requests.

Lailatul Qadar prayers can be performed in 2 or more rak'ahs as long as it is done with 2 rak'ahs. Here are the procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer:

- Reading the intention of "Ushalli sunnata lailatil Qadari rak'ataini lillahi ta'aalaa."

- Takbiratul Ihram

- Read Surah Al-Fatihah and Short Surahs

- The final Tahiyat is only on the fourth cycles

- Greetings

The night of Lailatul Qadar does have many virtues. So, while still being given a healthy and old age, let's catch up on this year's Lailatul Qadar Ramadan night.

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