KEPRI - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bintan, Riau Islands Province (Kepri), has declared a disaster emergency response status for the next 14 days following the occurrence of flood disasters in a number of sub-districts due to heavy rains in the last two days.

"This policy was taken after BPBD reported a number of sub-districts hit by floods, plus BMKG predictions that in the next few days there will still be rain," said Bintan Regent Roby Kurniawan while reviewing the floods in Kampung Pisang, East Bintan District, Thursday.

With the emergency response status, his party will coordinate with the Riau Islands Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the central government regarding post-flood handling.

In addition, the Bintan Regency Government will also budget supporting needs, such as the procurement of public kitchens to other facilities and infrastructure, to help victims affected by the disaster.

"For the time being, we together with the Bintan Police and BPBD have distributed basic food logistical assistance for flood victims," said Roby.

Based on data from BPBD Bintan, there are 71 houses and 220 people affected by flooding, especially in the Kampung Pisang area. BPBD is still collecting data on residents affected by flooding in other sub-districts.

Floods in Pisang Village were observed to reach the height of an adult's calf, submerging residents' houses. This condition was due to heavy rainfall that flushed Bintan Island from Wednesday 19 March morning to Thursday (20/3) afternoon.

One resident of Kampung Pisang Sandra admitted that her house was also affected by the flood, causing a number of household equipment to be submerged in water.

According to him, Kampung Pisang becomes a flood subscription every year, especially during the heavy rainy season. This condition cannot be separated from the position of Kampung Pisang in the lowlands and flanked by hills so that it is prone to flooding.

"This year, there have been two floods, even in the new year 2025 the flood heights reached the chest of adults," said Sandra.

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