JAKARTA - Satine Zaneta faces a new challenge in her acting journey. In the film Devils: Derivative Sins, she has to play a role without much dialogue, something unusual in the film script.
"Getting a script that if you read the script, it's like, usually if there is a dialogue there is writing, Ningrum, how come there's no lower dialogue? It's just like, 'Ningrum holding a breath', 'Ningrum is running'. There's no dialogue like that, right? So it's more like, it's just like, "said Satine Zaneta at the VOI office, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
"Because if you enter the set, like oh yes, Ningrum was already at the beginning of the set after that, it was like, yes, it was again," he continued.
As a newcomer actress, she admits that conveying emotions without words is not easy.
"Actually yes (without dialogue is a challenge) because in my opinion, because I am still new in this actor's world, there is still a lot of time to study. One of the most difficult is to say something without saying anything," said Satine Zaneta.
The daughter of actor Abimana Aryasatya is also aware that facial expressions are the main element in conveying the emotions of the characters she plays.
"The face is another story, how can we convey what is in the hospital without him having to talk in dialogue," he said.
To overcome these challenges, Satine tries to explore the subtext in her mind in order to express character emotions more naturally.
"Learning is more like, maybe just training this time, yes, the subtext in the head, what exactly is it, so hopefully this facial expression will also be conveyed. So it's really planted here (head) like, oh he's like this, so the output is like that," he said.
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