JAKARTA - Chen Du Ling and Xin Yun Lai competed acting in the latest Wuxia drama, The Glory. The drama, which has only aired since last week, received a positive response.

The story is adapted from a web novel entitled The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find by Qian Shan Chan Ke. Until now, the drama The Glory has received an index of 2800 for the most popular drama.

The Glory tells of Zhuang Han Yan (Chen Du Ling) who was abandoned as a child and grew up in the southern countryside, but eventually returns to his family in the capital.

His return caught the attention of Fu Yun Xi (Xin Yun Lai), a deputy minister at the Dali Temple, who was suffering from a mysterious disease. Fu Yun Xi is looking for a noble and capable wife to be trusted in his close relationship.

He found Zhuang Han Yan, with his extraordinary courage and kindness, as the ideal candidate. Yun Xi began to approach Han Yan in the hope of meeting his expectations.

When Zhuang Han Yan and Fu Yun Xi went through their relationship, they fell in love. On the way of the relationship, Han Yan reconciled with his mother.

In addition, he also rediscovered the warmth of family ties. He also felt the love and warmth of his family while living with Fu's family.

A total of 30 episodes, the drama The Glory can be watched every Tuesday to Sunday on WeTV.

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