PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) ensures reliability and smooth supply ahead of the 1446 H Eid Al-Fitr holiday, especially in the Central Java region.

"Pertamina is committed to maintaining energy services from production to distribution. Through PGN, we hope that the availability of gas is always safe and gas networks for households must be maintained reliably," said Pertamina's Director of Logistics and Infrastructure Alfian Nasution, Thursday, March 20.

In the Central Java area, PGN is on standby so that the need for natural gas to more than 17,500 customers is always met.

The distribution of natural gas in the Semarang area ranges from 60-70 BBTUD which is enjoyed by the household sector, MSMEs, commercial, industrial and power plants.

PGN ensures that the availability of natural gas is fulfilled during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr for households, MSMEs, commercial-industry and power plants. So PGN also ensures that all customers do not experience energy constraints during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr," said PGN President Director Arief S. Handoko.

Arief said PGN also continues efforts to develop natural gas in Central Java so that more people can benefit from natural gas.

One of the essential infrastructures in providing natural gas in Central Java, especially from Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) is the Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) Tambak Rejo managed by PT Pertagas and ORF Tambak Lorok managed by PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas (KJG).

Thanks to the integration of distribution infrastructure with Cisem Transmission Pipelines and Gresem Pipelines, gas distribution has also increased in the industrial and commercial sectors.

PGN also has SPBG Penggaron, Mangkang, and Kaligawe to supply CNG to customers in the transportation sector or customers who have not been reached by the natural gas pipeline network.

"PGN will continue to develop natural gas services and infrastructure in Central Java, so that more people will benefit from using natural gas," Arief concluded.

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