JAKARTA - Russia has announced that it will withdraw troops near Ukraine and annex Crimea, considering that its military exercises have ended.

The massive deployment, including dozens of naval ships, hundreds of warplanes, and thousands of troops, has been heavily criticized by Western powers, seen as a show of force amid tensions with Ukraine.

"The troops have demonstrated their ability to ensure a reliable defense of the country. So I decided to complete inspection activities in the southern and western military districts bordering Ukraine", Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a press release.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the military exercises in Crimea had involved 60 ships, more than 10.000 soldiers, 200 aircraft, and 1.200 military vehicles.

This Thursday, more than 2.000 paratroopers practiced landings with 60 military vehicles Thursday, as well as fighter jets conducting aerial maneuvers.

However, Shoigu's statement did not explain how many additional troops had been transferred to Crimea. Nor did he explain whether all would be drawn back to their permanent bases.

"I believe the aim of the surprise inspection has been fully achieved. The troops have demonstrated their ability to provide a credible defense for the country", he said, adding the troops would return to base on May 1, citing Reuters, Thursday, April 22.

According to NATO and the United States, Russia's increase in military power over Ukraine's borders has been the biggest since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and provided support to separatists in eastern Ukraine.

There has also been an increase in the number of ceasefire violations held in the region in recent weeks, as well as increasing tensions between the two countries.

Separately, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba pushed the West on Tuesday to strengthen sanctions against Russia, along with expressions of concern over the continued troop build-up.

Meanwhile, Moscow has dismissed those concerns, warning Kyiv not to try to reclaim rebel-held eastern territory. It said such an operation could force Russia to intervene to protect civilians.

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