JAKARTA - Myanmar's ambassador in the UK was 'doused' by military representatives and could not enter the British Embassy in London. Kyaw Zwar Minn urges the British Government not to recognize Myanmar's military regime envoy to replace him.

In a move that could implicate Myanmar diplomats around the world, the ambassador was locked out of his own embassy on Wednesday by his deputy, Chit Win at the behest of Myanmar's military who seized power in February.

"The ambassador has been recalled by Myanmar's military regime, since then he has stopped following instructions from the Myanmar Foreign Ministry", Ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn said through a spokesman, according to Reuters Thursday, April 8.

"We're confident that the UK Government won't support those working for the military junta. And we would also like to urge the UK Government to send them back", the spokesman continued

In a letter to the British Foreign Ministry from the Myanmar Embassy seen by Reuters, those in control of the embassy said Deputy Ambassador Chit Win had taken over as power on April 7. Kyaw Zwar Minn was recalled (to Myanmar) on March 9, the letter said.

Kyaw Zwar Minn, through his spokesman, said he had full confidence that the UK Government would continue to show their opposition to an unlawful military regime.

"He's trying to walk down the middle road, but there's no doubting which one is on the right side. The military council has killed nearly 600 people, including 48 children", the ambassador said.

"We call on the UK government, in particular, to refuse to work with the person in charge of Chit Win who has been nominated by the military council or other Myanmar Ambassadors, which they may try to nominate in the future", he concluded.

Regarding the Myanmar coup. VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of ASEAN's member countries. Civilian casualties continue to fall. Readers can follow the news about Myanmar's military coup by clicking this link.

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