YOGYAKARTA - As many as 20 people passed the selection of candidates for the KPK Supervisory Board. After undergoing this profile assessment, the candidates will take part in the interview process and physical and spiritual health tests. So what are the duties of the KPK Supervisory Board after being active in office?

The KPK Council is an organ within the KPK tasked with further supervising the implementation and authority of this anti-corruption agency. The duties and authorities of the KPK Supervisory Board have been regulated in law.

The KPK as an institution that has great and central authority in efforts to eradicate corruption requires supervision. This is where the KPK Council plays a role in maintaining professionalism and integrity in carrying out its duties at the KPK.

The duties and authorities of the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) have been contained in Article 37B of Law Number 19 of 2019 (KPK Law). Here are some tasks of the KPK Supervisory Board:

But besides that, based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 71/PUU-XVII/2019 dated May 4, 2021, the duties of the KPK Supervisory Board are as follows:

The KPK Law also stipulates that a KPK Council must have been released from its structural position. Members of the KPK Council are also not allowed to carry out other professions while serving as the KPK Supervisory Board.

The Selection Committee has announced the results of the profile assessment for prospective members of the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas). In this selection process, as many as 20 people were declared qualified and a number of names failed to the next stage.

The announcement was issued by the KPK Council at the State Secretariat Building, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/9). In addition to the 20 people who passed the KPK Dewas Candidate, there were also 20 KPK Leadership Candidates (Capim) who passed the assessment profile.

Furthermore, the candidates and candidates for the KPK council must undergo the stages of wawacara and physical and spiritual health tests. The tests for the KPK Capim will be carried out on September 17 and 18, 2024. While the Cadewas test will be held on September 19 and 20.

In the profile assessment stage, many well-known names had to stop or fail to advance in the next stage. One of them, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, who did not pass because he was only sentenced to moderate sanctions for ethical violations.

In addition, former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said also failed to pass this process. The figure of Sestama Lemhannas, Komjen RZ Panca Putra, did not make it to the next stage.

Demikianlah penjelasan tugas Dewan Pengawas KPK dan kewenangannya yang telah diatur dalam UU KPK. Dewas KPK bertugas untuk mengawasi jalannya pelaksanaan dan kewenangan di KPK. Baca juga Dewas KPK sebut Nurul Ghufron tak kooperasi.

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