Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) detained the head of PT Kartika Ekayasa with the initials DS after being examined as a witness to alleged corruption in the Bandar Lampung Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) procurement project on Monday, September 2.

Suspect DS is the owner of a work (beneficial owner) of PT Kartika Ekayasa.

"The suspect DS was detained by the Lampung Prosecutor's Office Investigation Team at the Way Hui Bandarlampung State Detention Center for 20 days," said Head of Lampung Attorney General's Office Ricky Ramadhan in Bandar Lampung, Tuesday, September 3, confiscated by Antara.

Apart from DS, the detention was also carried out on four people who had previously been named suspects.

They are suspects SP as the person who manipulated PT Kartika Ekayasa's bidding document, suspect S as PPK for the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Way Rilau.

Then, suspect AH as Branch Head of PT Kartika Ekayasa and suspect SR as Head of PBJ Bandar Lampung City in 2019 (Member of Pokja) were the people who conditioned the auction and passed PT Kartika Ekayasa as the winner of the auction.

"DS was present at the Lampung Prosecutor's Office accompanied by his legal adviser and an examination was carried out by the Lampung Prosecutor's Investigation Team with approximately 50 questions," he said.

The determination of the suspect DS was carried out inseparable from the Investigation Order Number: Print 01/L.8/Fd/04/2024 dated April 2, 2024 and the Lampung Attorney General's Investigation Team has found 2 pieces of evidence sufficient to determine the suspect in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of pipeline installations for the distribution of the 2019 Bandar Lampung SPAM pump system at PDAM Way Rilau, Bandar Lampung City.

"In this alleged corruption, state financial losses were found at the Bandarlampung SPAM in 2019 at PDAM Way Rilau, Bandarmpung City, amounting to Rp19,806,616,681.83," he said.

This alleged corruption case is based on Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Cooperation of the Bandar Lampung City Government with Business Entities in the Implementation of the Drinking Water Supply System with a budget ceiling of Rp. 87,156,366,242.00 which is sourced from the 2018 Budget Investment.

"However, in the procurement of pipeline installation activities, the distribution of the 2019 SPAM Bandarlampung pump system, whose tender was won by PT Kartika Ekayasa, the project value was Rp71,942,254,000.00," he said.

So, he continued, during the examination process it was found that there was a conditioning act against the winner of the tender and manipulation of the bidding document on the Bandar Lampung SPAM project.

"Then they deliberately carried out work that was not in accordance with the contract, causing a volume shortage in work which resulted in state losses," he said.

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