BEKASI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that at least eight sub-districts in Bekasi Regency experienced a clean water crisis due to drought.

Head of BPBD Bekasi Regency Muchlis said his team had carried out field monitoring and found a clean water crisis.

"In total there are 29 villages in eight sub-districts affected by drought and the current condition is experiencing a clean water crisis," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday, September 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the areas affected by the drought included Sukawangi, Babelan, Muaragembong, Cabangbungin, Pebayuran, Karanghapi, Bojongmangu and Cibarusah sub-districts.

Of the eight sub-districts, two sub-districts, namely Sukawangi and Cibarusah, are the widest areas experiencing a clean water crisis.

In Sukawangi District, there were seven villages experiencing a clean water crisis, namely Suka Quiet, Sukarandin, Sukamedi, Sukakerta, Sukawangi, and Sukaya Village.

A total of seven villages in Cibarusah District, namely Sindangmulya Village, Wibawamulya, Sirnajati, Ridogalih, Ridomanah, Cibarusah Jaya, and Cibarusah City Village also experienced similar conditions.

Then in the Bojongmangu District area, four villages experienced a clean water crisis, namely Karang Indah Village, Medalkrisna, Karangmulya, and Sukamukti Village. Four villages in Cabangbungin District also experienced a clean water crisis, namely Sindangsari, Jayabakti, Lenggagsari, and Setialaksana Village.

The clean water crisis was also experienced by residents in three villages in Babelan District, namely Kedungjaya, Bunibakti, and Huripjaya Village, as well as two villages in Muaragembong District, namely Harapan Jaya Beach and Jayasakti.

"Bantarjaya Village in Pebayuran District and Karangsetia Village in Karanghapi District is also experiencing a clean water crisis. We continue to distribute clean water aid to areas affected by drought," he said.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Bekasi Regency, Dodi Supriadi, said that 246,000 liters of clean water assistance had been distributed to help people affected by drought during the disaster emergency response period.

"There have been 246,000 liters of water distributed to the public until Monday (September 2). Assistance will continue to be distributed as an emergency response from August 30 to September 12, 2024," he said.

BPBD Bekasi Regency on Monday distributed 58,000 liters of clean water to various villages experiencing a clean water crisis, including 10,000 liters for the people of Sukawangi Village and Sukakerta Village in Sukawangi District.

Then 10,000 liters of clean water for the people of Jayasakti Village, Muaragembong District. Plus 10,000 liters of clean water for Setialaksana Village and Jayabakti Village in Cabangbungin District.

The distribution of clean water was also distributed to residents of Huripjaya Village and Bunibakti Village in Babelan District as much as 10,000 liters. Then 20,000 liters of clean water was distributed to the people of Medalkrisna Village and Sukamukti Village, Bojongmangu District.

"Today, we continue to distribute clean water in other areas affected by drought with the status of a clean water crisis," he said.

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