JAKARTA - The Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has revealed plans to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) for military purposes, such as in naval operations and air defense.

Speech at a conference on "artificial intelligence and future civilization", held in Tehran on Wednesday, Major General Hossein Salami said the IRGC would use AI for military purposes while adhering to moral principles.

"AI will help the IRGC Navy to detect and target enemy ships that can turn off their runways or change their remote locations, without injuring innocent crew members who provide logistical support for the enemy," he said as reported by Tasnim on January 31.

AI can also allow naval forces to choose the best places to strike targets, continued Major General Salami, adding the massive enemy ship may not be damaged in drone attacks unless its mass center is attacked with AI assistance.

Highlighting the application of AI in air defense, Major General Salami said artificial intelligence can replace humans because it can choose from various targets that approach with precision and timeliness.

Major General Salami said Iran needs to take advantage of AI in all areas, such as transportation, maritime, land and air traffic control, aviation health and safety services, where time is a vital element.

In a war exercise in the Persian Gulf recently, the IRGC Navy drone fired missiles equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities.

It is known that the IRGC has equipped the military drones of Mohajer-6 and Ababil-5 with new versions of Qaem and Almas missiles that combine AI's ability to achieve the target.

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