Political observer Muhammad Qodari believes that the constellation of battles in the 2024 Pilkada will not be affected even though there is a decision by the Constitutional Court (MK) that loosens the requirements for nominating regional head candidates.

"Regarding future prospects, I don't think there will be much change, yes, that there will be an Advanced Indonesia Coalition against the PDI-P," he said, Sunday, August 24, 2024.

According to him, apart from Jakarta, the Central Java Pilkada will attract public attention. Moreover, up to two waves of announcements of regional head candidates from the PDI-P, the candidate pair in the province known as the bull cage has not yet been officially announced.

Areas that are considered strategic, including Central Java, continued Qodari, are likely to be announced in the last wave, nearing the candidate registration time.

He considered that the Central Java Pilkada was very attractive and no less hot than Jakarta. This is because Qodari predicts that there will be a war of five-star generals who will fight to win the votes of the people of Central Java.

"I got information that the candidate from the PDI-P is Mr. Andika Perkasa, a 4-star Army. Now this will be a star war in real meaning, because Mr. Luthfi is a 3-star police and this is a fight that will be very, very interesting, yes," he said.

In addition, the fight became even more interesting because the deputy governor who would fight together was strong, because both of them controlled the fight arena in Central Java, where Luthfi would be accompanied by former Deputy Governor of Central Java, Taj Yasin Maimoen, while Andika was said to be paired with Hendrar Prihadi.

"Of course it is also interesting to see who the deputy is, Mr. Andika. I heard he said the former Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi. This will also be a very, very interesting battle in the upcoming 2024 Pilkada," said Qodari.

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