Jambi - Drug Investigation Unit (Setresnarkoba) Jambi Police destroyed drug evidence with a total value of IDR 2.5 billion.

Jambi Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Ruli Andi Yunianto said the drugs destroyed consisted of marijuana, methamphetamine and ecstasy pills.

Ten suspects in this drug trafficking case were presented and saw firsthand the destruction process.

The drug evidence was destroyed by being blended and also burned. The evidence that was destroyed was the result of the disclosure of ten cases.

The methamphetamine and ecstasy pills were mixed with water and the detergent was then blended. Meanwhile, evidence of marijuana was destroyed by burning.

The amount of evidence that destroyed, namely 2.2 kilograms of marijuana, 2.4 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 26 ecstasy pills totaled at IDR 2.5 billion.

The destruction of drug evidence, he said, is proof of the police's commitment to eradicate drug trafficking.

In addition, the destruction was carried out to answer public questions regarding the existence of drug evidence confiscated in the disclosure of the case.

"We are coordinating and collaborating with related parties including the Prosecutor's Office, the Court and BPOM. We carry out this extermination activity based on the applicable law," he said in Jambi, Thursday, August 15, which was confiscated by Antara.

After going through the trial process, drug evidence must be destroyed with the aim of stopping its circulation.

"If the trial process has been carried out, then the evidence must be destroyed, this also provides understanding to the public regarding the evidence of drugs that have been confiscated so as not to cause unwanted things," he said.

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