GIANYAR - A male foreign national (WNA) from Russia named Pavel Chernousov (29) was found dead hanging himself in the Rantai Atas Bungalow, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali.
"The motive is still under investigation," said the Head of the Ubud Police, Police Commissioner Adjutant I Gede Sudyatmaja, Monday, March 22.
The victim was known as a designer. The case of hanging was originally found out by Andreeva Evgeniya at around 08.00 central Indonesia time.
The witness was shocked when she went up to the bungalow to find the victim hanging himself in his room.
"Then the witness ran downstairs to inform the owner of the bungalow," added Police Commissioner Adjutant Sudyatmaja.
The bungalow owner immediately went to the police. There are also officers from Ubud Public Health Center (Puskesmas) and Gianyar Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).
"Then the officers from the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) conducted an examination of the victim, from the results of the doctor's examination, stating that the victim was dead and there were no signs of violence on the victim's body," explained Police Commissioner Adjutant Sudyatmaja.
Furthermore, the victim's body was taken to the Sanglah Denpasar Central General Hospital (RSUP). The police said that the victim had indeed committed suicide.
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