The Tebet Police Chief, Kompol Murohil, denied that his members rejected the report of a female journalist (wartawati) who was abused on the Electric Rail Train (KRL), Jakarta-Bogor.

Murohi explained that his party did not reject the report. However, it is advisable to make a report at the South Jakarta Metro Police (Jaksel) or Polda Metro Jaya.

"We accept it, not it is not unacceptable. There is communication here. Then because the direction is towards sexual harassment, we try to direct it to the Regional Police or maybe we can go to the Resort Police, which is indeed the domain there. Yes, maybe PPA has that authority," said Murohil when confirmed, Thursday, July 18.

He said that the victim and KAI officers visited his place on Tuesday, July 16, evening. At that time, he met a number of his members who were on picket.

"To Renakta Polda directed from our members. Members are directed at the Polda maybe because it's possible to go to the Polda far away, yes, he went to the Polres. Because at the Polres there is also PPA," he said.

Previously, a journalist named Hamidea Suci was suspected of being the victim of harassment by an unknown man on the Electric Rail Train (KRL), Tuesday, July 16.

Suci said the incident occurred on the evening of Tuesday, July 16. The incident began when he boarded the Jakarta-Bogor KRL.

Told Holy, on the way there was a man who was making a video of himself. It was also discovered when KRL officers informed him.

On that basis, the perpetrator was secured by officers. Then the victim plans to report the incident to the police.

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