JAKARTA - Rapper Nicki Minaj is mentioned in a lawsuit filed by his former employee who accused Minaj of assaulting and beatings.

Reporting from Us Weekly, Brandonund, who claimed to work as Minaj manager during his 2024 tour, sued Minaj.

In the report,GERy claims that Minaj called him into the dressing room after a concert in April 2024 in Detroit, where he allegedly became nervous when he learned that jams were asking others to take prescription drugs.

"(Other employees, Luke Montgomery) explained that their duties include tasks such as arranging a dressing room, preparing private jets, preparing hotel rooms, preparing light drinks in the dressing room, and preparing tour buses," the document reads.

"Obviously. Montgomery said these tasks were an addition to any request from (Minaj) communicated by (Garrett), including orders for food, beverages, personal goods, baby equipment, and most importantly, prescription drugs," he continued.

Garrett reportedly explained to Minaj that he was busy with other tasks during the show and needed other assistants to carry out the task.

After hearing the reason, Minaj allegedly became very upset and shouted angry at him. He appeared to be saying, "'Are you crazy to tell him to take my recipe?' and 'If my husband was here, he would knock my heart out'," he said.

GER further claimed that Minaj then hit him with his bare hands on the right side of his face and then on his right wrist.

Hours later,GER claims other staff on the Minaj team told him he would no longer be joining his team for his tour in Chicago.

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