YOGYAKARTA In general, alms is to share happiness with others. The happiness given can be in the form of materials or non-materials. One of the orders of Allah SWT to his servants. This service was also explained by the Prophet Muhammad in his hadith. So what are the best alms according to the hadith of the Prophet SAW?

Basically, all forms of alms are good as long as they are based on good intentions and accompanied by sincerity. However, there are some hadiths that are considered to have more good than usual. Here are some of the best alms according to hadith.

One of the best alms said by the Prophet Muhammad is by doing it secretly. This alms as stated by the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith narrated by Bukhari & Muslim which means as follows.

The Prophet Muhammad Saw said, 'The most important charity is alms that are done secretly, so that the left hand does not know what the right hand is giving.' (HR Bukhari & Muslim)

Alms are a form of a person's sukur taste for the health and property that is entrusted to someone. When a person is in good health and has sufficient material, it is advisable to give alms. The kindness of alms when these conditions are described in the following hadith.

Prophet Muhammad Saw said, 'The most important charity is alms that are done when healthy and afraid of illness, rich and afraid of poverty.' (HR Bukhari & Muslim)

The charity that is loved as well as the best is the wealth that is practiced in the way of Allah SWT. An example of alms in the way of Allah SWT is to give part of its wealth for the benefit of da'wah and the syiar of Islam. This charity is explained in the hadith as follows.

Rasulullah Saw said, 'Indeed, the most beloved property of Allah is the treasure that is spent (dedicated) in the way of Allah.' (HR. Bukhari)

Situations that are completely underprivileged are not an excuse not to give alms. Even the alms that are given when the person is completely underprivileged are the best alms. It's like a hadith.

From Abu Hurairah and Abdullah bin Hubsyi Al Khotsami: Nabi Saw was once asked which alms were the most afdhol'. He replied, charity of people who are in poverty. (HR An Nasai)

Alms of Jariyah are the best because the reward earned will not be broken even if the person dies. The practice is explained in a hadith, which is as follows.

Rasulullah Saw said, 'If a human dies, then his deeds will be broken, except for three cases: alms of Jariyah, useful knowledge, and prayers of pious children.' (HR Muslim)

Those are some of the best alms according to hadith. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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