JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PAN faction, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, appreciated the performance of the Hajj Committee which has set Bipih 2025 at IDR 55.4 million per congregation. Despite the decrease in costs compared to last year, Saleh assessed that there needs to be an improvement in the quality of service for pilgrims where it often does not match the promised.
"Regarding the implementation of the Hajj, there are several important and basic things that must be maintained and improved. First, services for pilgrims before departure. Starting from registration, rituals, even reaching the Hajj dormitory. Everything must be made easier and the pilgrims are made happy," Saleh told reporters, Wednesday, January 8.
Second, the quality of flight services. According to Saleh, flight schedules are often changed and delayed. Conditions like this will definitely disturb comfort, especially since the majority of Indonesian pilgrims are currently elderly.
"Tempo hari, pesawatnya hanya Garuda dan Saudi Airlines. Mungkin karena tidak ada pililihan, pelayanan tidak maksimal seperti ini pun sering didiamkan dan tidak ditanya," ungkap Ketua Komisi VII DPR itu.
Third, accommodation while in Saudi Arabia. Because of the large number, said Saleh, Indonesian pilgrims are often distributed unfairly.
"Sebagian beruntung dapat di pemkondukan yang bagus dan dekat dengan Masjidil Haram. Sebagian lain di tempat yang kurang baik dan jauh dari Masjidil haram. Sering ditemukan, jamaah kita memilih untuk tidak ke mesjid karena alasan jarak," katanya.
Fourth, consumption and food while in the holy land. Saleh said the government promised to serve food with a taste of Indonesia. According to him, this must be fulfilled, but unfortunately last year not all of them could be kept.
"Last year, we found that not all cooking spices were imported from Indonesia. The percentage was small. The big ones were imported from other countries. Of course this must be improved. It must be ensured that the existing standard cooking has an Indonesian taste," said the legislator for the North Sumatra II electoral district.
"Besides, the provision of kitchen spices is important. To meet the needs of 221,000 pilgrims for 40 days is a business opportunity for MSMEs in Indonesia. Why can't it just be entrusted to a combination of MSMEs to provide them? Make agreements in advance so that they can be met no matter how much needs are needed," he continued.
Fifth, transportation for the congregation. Saleh said transportation is an important element that must ensure its availability and comfort. It's just that, he said, socialization related to the use of this transportation tool is often less than optimal.
"No wonder, many pilgrims are sometimes left behind and give in to pilgrims from other countries. In fact, this transportation is the part that is paid and is strictly calculated in the cost of Hajj," he said.
Sixth, congregational services during armina. Saleh reminded that services in armina must be really excellent. Because apart from being difficult and congested because millions of worshipers are collected in one place, armina is one of the keys to distinguishing Hajj and Umrah.
"The success of Hajj is also very much determined whether or not the implementation of all worship in armina. We ask that the government prioritize services in armina. Tents must be ensured to be sufficient. Water, food, places of worship, and needs while in the army must be sufficient, complete, and satisfy the congregation," said the Deputy PAN.
Seventh, health services. Saleh said, Indonesia provides the APBN budget for health services, but sometimes services remain lacking due to the large number of pilgrims who need special handling and attention.
"Regarding this, the government needs to think about increasing the number of health workers deployed in the guidelines and tents during the Hajj season," he said.
Eighth, there are very many Indonesian Hajj officers. For 2025 alone, the officers who will depart are 2,210 people and have participated in the selection in Indonesia. But in Saudi Arabia there are also seasonal hajj officers consisting of students and muqimin (people who have settled).
"From the ratio side last year, our number of Hajj officers was more than sufficient. Unfortunately, these officers were not very present," he said.
Regarding this officer, Saleh added, the DPR once suggested that it be entrusted to health workers, the TNI, and the Police because it was considered more deft.
"Even in difficult situations they are more professional in handling emergencies. Most importantly, they will definitely be disciplined. There is a good name for the Indonesian nation on their shoulders," he concluded.
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