JAKARTA - Two former Governors of DKI Jakarta who had clashed in the 2017 Pilkada, Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) are now getting along again. Unexpectedly showing the moment of their closeness while attending the Bangtang Harapan and Asa event commemorating 5 centuries (500 years in 2027) Jakarta City at Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
The meeting of two political figures who had clashed at the same time nominated the Governor of DKI in 2017. The tight competition has an impact on the emergence of polarization in their respective supporters.
The closeness of Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok did not come suddenly. This intimacy was fostered by the role of the candidate pair for the DKI Pilkada Pramono Anung- Rano Karno Si Doel, who wanted to expand his support by attracting Anies' support groups with his 'Child', and Ahok's supporters with 'Ahoker'. This force is to fight the Ridwan Kamil and Suswono pairs, who are known to be supported by their fat Plus Coalition because they have the support of many parties.
In addition, the humble Pram-Doel pair campaign model for carrying out the legacy of its former predecessor governors was also accepted by the former governors of DKI so that they wanted their totality to support the Pram-Doel pair in this DKI regional election. Together with their supporters, they even shared sympathizers of the couple. In fact, they forgot their origins, many of Anies supporters from moderate Islam, and Ahoker, who came from young intelligence and middle-class groups, won Pram -Doel.
The work program carried by Pram-Doel who said he would continue the legacy of the former governors who had been good will be continued. Because often the elected governor often puts forward his own ego, they do not want to continue the previous governor's program. Meanwhile, the Pram-Doel pair, if elected, promised to continue a good program.
Former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) (ANTARA)
"It's okay"
"It's okay"
"It's okay"
"It's okay"
For example, the construction of good Kalijodo during Ahok's time will be continued. Likewise with the construction of the JIS stadium during Anies' time, it will be perfected. He admitted that he had spent on problems, weaknesses from the program, for example the JIS Stadium lacked transportation to the stadium and had complained about events and matches at the location.
It was Pram-Doel's approach that originally had a capital of 00.1 voters according to the survey institute. Can win the DKI Pilkada while Ridho's (Ridwan Kamil- Suswono) pair supported by a fat coalition can be defeated. From the intense relationship between the Pram-Doel pair. Even Anies helped bring together Islamic figures in Jakarta with the Pram-Doel pair, as well as bring Ahok together with Ahoker. So the two former governors became close to each other.
Although Anies himself felt disappointed after not being promoted by PDIP as a candidate for governor of DKI because General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri preferred the Pram-Doel pair as a candidate for Governor of DKI. Ahok also felt the same disappointment that was widely being used as a PDIP champion to match Ridwan Kamil in DKI at least in the PDIP environment. However, Megawati had other assignments, Ahok was asked to take care of cadre education and the formation of the PDIP Foundation.
Klopp, two former rivals of the Governor of DKI, were met and had the opportunity to help Pram-Doel by moving each of its supporters. In fact, between Anies-Ahok, it is very difficult to unite considering the long history of their feud with supporters. Especially the problems that are often the debate between the two regarding the 2017 DKI gubernatorial election, regarding the E-budgeting of the DKI Jakarta R-APBD, Flood Management, Kampung Akuarium Development, the issue of the Reclamation Island IMB which is often compared to the two.
Political tensions that had culminated between Anies and Ahok in the past have now turned into mutual understanding. On several occasions, the two of them were seen discussing in various forums, including public debate events and city development discussions. In an interview, Ahok said, "Anies and I have gone through difficult times. Now, our focus is on how Jakarta can progress without having to prioritize personal egos", he said in a discussion.
Inspirational Moments Of Togetherness
The closeness of Anies and Ahok was in the spotlight when the two attended the celebration of Jakarta's Birthday in June 2024. In the event, they sat side by side and seemed to be chatting casually. This intimacy raises many positive comments from the public. This is a good example. Two big figures who have been at odds now show political maturity," said Rudi Hartono, a political observer from the University of Indonesia.
"In fact, both Anies and Ahok suggested that the warta interpreters would wait for next month there would be a surprise," he said without explaining what was meant by the surprise. According to Anies' spokesman, Geisz Khalifa estimated that the surprise which he meant and knew was Anies plans to declare a mass organization (time organization) to accommodate the supporters of 'Child Abah'. Given the need to carry Anies in the next presidential election, while Anies is not a party, which is required by the Election Law. In the future, this mass organization will become Anies' mount to partner with a party.
Aditya Perdana, Researcher of the Indonesian Universita Political Studies Center (Puskapol), sees the unity of the two political elites, hopefully, will strengthen opposition positions outside the government. However, Adit believes that it is not about the unification of the two elite figures. But more about the impact of the latest Constitutional Court's decision to abolish the 20 percent Treshold, "We are waiting for the next moments to become a crystallization of the opposition," Aditya said when contacted by Voi, January 6, 2025.
Many also predict that this harmonious relationship can open up greater collaboration opportunities in the future. As national figures with experience in leading Jakarta, Anies and Ahok have the potential to become driving forces for various inclusive city development initiatives.
If these relations continue to be maintained, they can be role models for the next generation of leaders. It is possible that they will also cooperate on a larger scale, such as the central government or international organization," added Rudi.
Meanwhile, political communication observer from Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, sees the unity of two Anies and Ahok figures, a sign of the rise of the opposition symbol. So far, the opposition has played a role by PDIP in dealing with KIM plus parties that support the government, now increasing with this strength.
However, challenges remain. Political polarization at the grassroots level is still homework that needs to be resolved. Supporters of these two figures in the past have often been involved in heated debates, and efforts to unify their perceptions take time.
Anies' spokesman, Geisz Chalifah, said that basically the two figures Anies and Ahok have the same understanding, namely about Social Justice "so there is no difference, and can work together", Geisz said in a number of television interviews.
Not only that, there are a number of people who want to unite the two leaders who have the same national caliber who deserve to be promoted as candidates in the upcoming 2029 presidential election. At least Anies' appearance is not an endemy for the incumbent pair who are currently in power, because of the wider support for them. In addition, the decision of the Constitutional Court which abolished the 20 percent threshold requirement for nominating parties opened up that opportunity.
Their collaboration, even beyond the formal scope, provides new hope for Jakarta and Indonesia. Residents are looking forward to their future work, both as individuals and as partners who work together for the progress of the nation.
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