JAKARTA - The film Dirty Angels is currently showing in Indonesian cinemas. This film was directed by Martin Campbell who is also the scriptwriter with Jonas McCord. In the producer chair, there are Boaz Davidson and Jeffrey Greenstein and the production house Millennium Media and Lionsgate.

The action thriller genre film stars Eva Green, Maria Bakalova, Ruby Rose, Reza Brojerdi, Jojo T. Gibbs, Aziz Badminton, Mitko Angelov, Christopher Backus, Hadi Khanjanpour, Emily Bruni, Emma Dimantan, and Leo Dimant.

Director Martin Campbell's film Dirty Angels presents action-packed scenes following a hostage rescue mission carried out by a secret team consisting of female soldiers.

Set in Afghanistan, the story of this film began when a terrorist group attacked a school and arrested a group of student girls to be held hostage.

A United States military soldier named Jake, played by Eva Green, was tasked with rescuing the students who were held hostage.

By posing as a medical team, Jake left for Afghanistan and when he arrived there he joined his team which was filled with tough female soldiers with different skills.

The adventures began with Jake and his team sneaking into terrorist headquarters to save the students being held hostage.

Experienced working on action films such as James Bond Golden Eye, Casino Royale, to The Mask of Zorro, director Martin Campbell presented many intense action scenes from film start to finish.

The action scene was also well executed with stunning and dynamic visuals as well as practical effects that further highlighted the intensity of Jake's team's shootout with terrorist groups.

Not only highlighting the shootout, this film also explores the side of morality and the principle that Jake upholds is not leaving his colleagues on the battlefield.

The moral side of Jake's soldiers has finally become an emotional potential in the story that is trying to be highlighted in the film Dirty Angels.

Unfortunately, because it is too focused on action scenes, the storyline in this film feels normal where the potential for morality and emotional side is conveyed less than perfect. The storyline that is too fast and intense also affects the potential for a less than optimal narrative in its delivery.

Quoted from ANTARA, other characters who are members of Jake's team also seem to feel only as a complement because of their lack of character development and background exploration.

Leaders of terrorist groups who are the main antagonists also feel less explored, the background of these characters is only briefly expressed in the section towards the peak of conflict in the story.

In conclusion, the film Dirty Angel successfully presented a stunning and thrilling action scene, but unfortunately it sacrificed the delivery of the narrative of the story and the deepening side of the character that felt less than optimal.

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