The Islamic Religious Education Teacher Forum (PAI) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has called for confirmation of the rights of the Hari Raya Allowance and the 13th salary that has been delayed by payments for two years from 2023 to 2024.
"Until now, ASN PAI teachers in NTB have not received confirmation of when and how their rights can be fulfilled," said Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Indonesian PAI Teachers Association (AGPAII) Sulman Haris in a statement in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, January 8.
The PAI teachers who are delayed in obtaining allowance rights are those who teach in SMA, SMK, and extraordinary schools under the guidance of the NTB Province Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud).
Meanwhile, the rights of PAI teachers under the guidance of district/city Education and Culture have only been paid 50 percent of the 2023 teacher professional allowances in Central Lombok and Mataram City.
Meanwhile, eight other regencies/cities have not received allowance rights for two years, the same as PAI teachers who teach in high schools, vocational schools, and extraordinary schools.
Sulman revealed that all teachers of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the SMA and SMK levels in NTB have received additional THR and 13th salaries in 2023 and 2024, without including PAI teachers.
He hopes that related parties can provide clarity of information about the timing, mechanism, and fulfillment of the rights of PAI teachers that can be carried out in the not too distant future so as not to cause actions that have the potential to harm the world of education.
"We ask the NTB DPRD to oversee and facilitate the process of solving the problems faced by PAI teachers to completion," said Sulman Haris.
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