JAKARTA - OpenAI CEO Sam Altman responded to accusations from his younger brother Annie Altman, who claimed she had received sexual harassment from Sam since childhood, for nine years.

Melalui sebuah postingan di X, Sam merilis sebuah pernyataan dari ibu (Connie) dan dua saudara-lahunnya (Max dan Jack), dan mengatakan bahwa tuduhan tersebut tidak benar.

They wrote that Annie had mental health problems for several years and they were worried about her well-being.

My sister has filed a lawsuit against me. Here is a statement from my mom, brothers, and me: pic.twitter.com/Nve0yokTSX

The Altman family also said that they had tried to help Annie in various ways, including by providing financial support to her for several years.

Meskipun demikian, Annie terus menuntut lebih banyak uang dari kami. Terkait hal ini, Annie telah membuat klaim yang sangat menyakit dan sepenuhnya tidak benar tentang keluarga kami, dan khususnya Sam, tulis pernyataan tersebut.

Initially, the family chose to remain silent in order to respect their own privacy and privacy. However, because Annie had taken legal action over her claims to Sam, the family decided to make a public statement.

All these claims are completely untrue. This situation causes tremendous pain to our whole family. It hurts when he rejects conventional medicine and attacks family members who sincerely try to help, "said the family.

According to Saint Louis Post Dispatch, in a new lawsuit filed on Monday, January 6, Annie Altman accused her older brother of sexually assaulting her for nine years in the 1990s and 2000s.

The lawsuit is a follow-up to Annie to the claims she previously made on social media in 2021.

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