JAKARTA - Many people often miss breakfast because they are busy, lack of focus, or feel not hungry in the morning. However, nutritionists emphasize the importance of breakfast as a moment to fill up energy and stabilize blood sugar.

ideal breakfast should contain a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fat so that the body remains energetic and full longer, while reducing the risk of overeating in the future.

According to dietist Lindsay Malone, although there are people who feel fine without breakfast, skipping meals this morning can have an impact that is often not realized.

Bodies that are used to not having breakfast may stop sending hungry signals in the morning. However, this habit can trigger greater calorie intake at other times, such as snacking at night. This condition can also affect the quality of sleep and contribute to weight gain.

Breakfast that is done carelessly, such as just relying on coffee or coffee mixed with milk, is also not ideal. While it can provide a little temporary energy, the effect is fast gone and the body may feel very hungry a few hours later.

This often triggers unhealthy food consumption to deal with sudden hunger. For those who are not used to heavy breakfast, simple choices such as yogurt, bananas, or smoothies can be a good alternative.

Even coffee mixed by collagen can help meet the body's protein needs in the morning. However, it is important to pay attention to the overall nutritional needs throughout the day.

For individuals who apply intermittent fasting, this step must be taken carefully, especially for diabetics or certain medical conditions.

Fasting can indeed help stabilize blood sugar and support weight loss, but consultation with a doctor or nutritionist is essential to avoid health risks.

Breakfast may not be suitable for everyone, but ensuring the body gets enough nutrition every day is something that should not be ignored. With the right approach, this habit can provide great benefits to long-term health.

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