JAKARTA Withings again presents health innovation at CES 2025 by introducing Omnia Health Screening Mirror, a smart mirror that not only reflects your image, but also your real-time health data.
Omnia is a smart mirror with a full screen capable of displaying various metrics of direct health on its surface. The data displayed includes a nightly heart rate, rest heart rate, vascular age, blood pressure, and irregular heart rhythm notifications.
In addition, Omnia also provides information about weight trends, muscle-to-fat ratios, water and bone masses, and the level of visceral fat owned by users. Not only that, this mirror also monitors daily activities, sleep quality, to nutrition, providing a complete picture of your health with only one look.
This data is collected through other devices in the Withings ecosystem, as well as from the sensors contained in the mirror itself. The basic part of Omnia is equipped with the ability to measure weight, heart health, and even scan metabolic.
This mirror is also equipped with an AI-based voice assistant that provides real-time feedback, motivation, and guidance to achieve health targets. In addition, Omnia supports telemedicine applications, allowing users to conduct direct virtual consultations through this device.
Omnia is designed to work seamlessly with the Withings app on the iPhone, which is integrated with Apple Health. The data compiled by Omnia can be synchronized to the Health app, allowing users to analyze health trends and view graphs easily.
While Omnia is still in the development stage, some features such as AI-based guidance and clinical reviews will begin to be integrated into the Withings app by the end of 2025.
With Omnia, Withings offers revolutionary devices that not only facilitate health monitoring, but also provide new ways to understand and manage health data intuitively. This smart mirror is expected to be an ideal choice for those who want to maintain health with integrated modern technology.
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