JAKARTA Prodemocracy and human rights activists encourage parties from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) to pair Bobby Nasution, President Joko Widodo's son-in-law, with figures from civil society in the upcoming North Sumatra governor election.

According to the former commissioner of Komnas HAM, Natalius Pigai, the ideal figure of civil society to be paired with Bobby Nasution is a senior journalist and academic, DR. Teguh Santosa.

Bobby Nasution's performance will be more perfect if he is accompanied by a figure from a pure civil society, who has a good track record. This is important so that later if you get the people's trust, Bobby's government can maintain a good relationship between the state and the people," said Natalius Pigai in a statement received by the editor.

Pigai added that a survey conducted by the Gerindra Party in North Sumatra last week showed that Teguh, who was born and raised in Medan, has good relations with grassroots and constituents that can complement Bobby's electoral side.

Pigai said he knew Teguh Santosa well and his track record so far. In Pigai's eyes, the former Deputy Chancellor of Bung Karno University (UBK) is a figure who will bring new colors to local politics and local government.

"I am sure, he will be a factor that strengthens Mas Bobby's government. The coalition parties, such as Gerindra, Golkar, Democrats, PAN, and others, need to encourage and support Mas Bobby in pairs with Bro Teguh," he said again.

Pigai also said that Teguh was known by the leadership of political parties in Jakarta for bridging constructive communication between civil society groups and the state.

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