The joint team of the Banda Aceh Police Satreskrim together with personnel from Kodim 0101/KBA, the local Satpol PP and WH conducted patrols at a number of coffee shops or Warkop in Banda Aceh as an effort to prevent online gambling activities. "This patrol is to prevent online gambling, which has been reported to be still happening, especially in coffee stalls that are increasingly troubling the public," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadilah Aditya Pratama in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 2. During patrols, he said, officers took preventive steps by urging and providing socialization, as well as warning warkop visitors not to play online gambling. In addition, officers also appealed to business actors or coffee shop managers to put up banners prohibiting online gambling at their place of business. "This step is important especially for online gamblers to know that there is a ban on playing online gambling in that place, hopefully they are aware, and do not dare to play," he said. According to Fadillah, public awareness is very important to prevent the rise of online gambling. To eradicate this, it takes the role of all parties and is a shared responsibility. Law enforcement or criminal proceedings, he continued, will be the last way as a form of firmness if for perpetrators who openly play online gambling. "Including the place of business actors who allow online gambling. Therefore, as a first step, we will try to prevent it first," said Kompol Fadillah. As is known, a few days ago the Banda Aceh Police Satreskrim arrested 19 online gambling players at a number of coffee shops in the capital city of Aceh province.
Online gamblers will be charged with Article 18 in conjunction with Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law with 12 lashes or a fine of 120 grams of gold or imprisonment for 12 months.

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