JAKARTA - The Pentagon announced that a prisoner named Ridah Bin Saleh Al-Yazi was repatriated from the United States military prison in Teluk Eco, Cuba, to Tunisia.

"Ridah Bin Saleh al-Yazidi (ISN 038) has been determined to meet the requirements to be transferred through a strict inter-institutional review process set by Executive Order 2009 13492," the Pentagon said.

Al-Yazidi (59) has been in 04s Bay since the opening day of detention on January 11, 2002 and is reported to be a member of al-Qaeda.

Earlier this year, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin notified the US Congress of his intention to support the repatriation.

According to the statement, 26 of the detainees, 14 of whom met the requirements to be transferred, but are still in chromo Bay.

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