JAKARTA - Malaysian Interior Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the Malaysian Police (PDRM) arrested eight people suspected of being linked to the ISIS terrorist group.

Reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 25, the suspects allegedly planned an attack on the King and Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the six men and two women suspected of having links to ISIS were arrested on June 22-23 in a coordinated effort between the four states.

The police's initial investigation into the suspects revealed threats against Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and senior PDRM officials.

The suspects will be detained under the 2012 Security Violation Act (Special Actions).

Saifuddin urged the Malaysian people to remain alert to new threats from extremists and terrorists, who are increasingly abusing modern technology and social media to spread dangerous ideas.

"The government remains firm that there will be no compromise with anyone who incites, commits, supports or sympathizes with extremism, radicalism, and violence in this country," he said.

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