CIANJUR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Cianjur, West Java, has imposed strict and legal sanctions on the State Elementary School (SDN) of Naglasari who are suspected of embezzling the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) funds from 2021 to 2023 of around Rp48 million.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said his party had asked the local Education Office to explore and impose strict sanctions on school principals and unscrupulous teachers involved in embezzlement of PIP funds.

"I ask for the harshest sanctions in accordance with the laws and regulations against the principal and the unscrupulous teachers involved in it because it is detrimental to many students," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 24.

He stated that he was very concerned about the incident that tarnished the world of education in Cianjur, so whatever the reason for the school is because PIP funds are needed by recipient students.

"I ask the relevant agencies to thoroughly investigate the legal route because it tarnishes the world of Cianjur education, lest the same thing happen again," he said.

Meanwhile, the Cianjur Youth and Sports Education Office (Disdikpora) has summoned the principal and school teacher to be questioned regarding the alleged embezzlement of PIP funds at Neglasari State Elementary School, Gunungsari Village, Sukanagara District.

The local Education Office found that embezzlement of aid funds for underprivileged students from 2021 to 2023 with a total embezzled money of Rp. 48 million, which allegedly was not distributed to recipients of aid.

The daily executive, Head of SD for the Cianjur Regency Education, Youth and Sports Office, Wawan Sutiawan, said the Rp48 million funds were used for the personal interests of the elements in the school, but his party could not specify who the unscrupulous teachers were.

"The school, both the principal and the teacher agreed to replace the PIP funds that have been used, last Saturday they wanted to be returned directly to the parents of the students, to make sure we would confirm it again," he said.

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