TANGERANG - Ilyas Abdurahman (48) and Ramli (59), two shooting victims at the Tangerang-Merak Toll Rest Area, Thursday, January 2, 2025, had reported cases of car embezzlement at the Cinangka Police, before the bloody incident occurred. But unfortunately, the report was rejected by the police.

Rizky, as Ilyas' biological son, said that at that time his family had reported to the Cinangka Police regarding the case of car embezzlement. However, the police consider Ilyas to be a leasing party, pursuing a Brio car that is being borrowed by Ajat Sudrajat, a tenant.

However, Rizky emphasized to the police that the Brio car that was taken away belonged to his father.

"We asked the Cinangka Police for help to accompany me. Even though we have given information that it is a rental car, a private car and we bring proof of complete ownership, BPKB, STNK, and one key," said Rizky, Friday, January 3.

Rizky admitted that he was very disappointed, because the police refused to ask for help in arresting the perpetrators.

"Even though the car is only 200 meters away, it is more or less. But with a heavy heart the police are reluctant to accompany me to accompany it," he said.

According to Rizky, the police refused to help because there had been no police report, and considered the victim a leasing person.

"He was told to make a police report first. At that time there were 3 officers," he said.

Unfortunately, the police only reacted when the shooting occurred, causing casualties.

The shooting took place at the KM 45 rest area of the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Tangerang Regency on Thursday, January 2, at 04.30 WIB. As a result, one person was declared dead.

The Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police, Ipda Purbawa, said that there were two victims in the incident. However, one of them was declared dead and the rest are still being treated intensively.

The victim died shot in the chest. The living was shot in the shoulder," Purbawa said when confirmed, Thursday, January 2.

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