TANGERANG - Hundreds of workers throughout Tangerang from various groups held demonstrations at offices at the Central Regional Government (Puspemda) of Tangerang Regency. They criticized the rejection of the People's Savings Processing Agency (BD Tapera) program.

"We clearly reject the Tapera program, because this program is not yet the time to be implemented in Indonesia," said labor action coordinator Joe to reporters at the Tangerang Regency Puspemda, Thursday, June 20.

Joe assessed that Tapera's policy was considered to have increased the burden on the community. According to him, Tapera does not have concrete clarity for the community. He considered it as a temporary government interest.

"It's still unclear how the use is, it's just that this is the goal of the state's interests," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tangerang Police Ops, Kompol Kosasih, said there were 350 personnel deployed. Hundreds of these personnel consist of the Banten Police Mobile Brigade.

"For our personnel, we have deployed as many as 350 joint Polres personnel, including those from Dalmas Polda and Brimob Banten," he said

He also appealed to all protesters to convey their aspirations in an orderly manner and stay away from anarchist acts. So that the delivery of aspirations can be channeled properly.

"We urge protesters to express their aspirations in an orderly manner and stay away from anarchic acts. In addition, his party reminded the public to anticipate traffic jams," he concluded.

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