JAKARTA - The Selection Committee (Pansel) for Candidates for Leadership and Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) visited the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta today, Wednesday, June 12. They will hold an audience with the head of the anti-corruption commission.
"This afternoon the leadership and Council are scheduled to receive an audience from the Capim and Dewas pansel," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, June 12.
From observations in the field, members of the Pansel were present at around 13.30 WIB. They came one by one and went straight up to the top floor to meet the leadership.
The KPK hopes that this meeting can produce results in the future. Budi said, later the head of the anti-corruption commission would convey the criteria for the person needed in leading the eradication of corruption.
"This meeting is a good opportunity for the KPK to convey input, needs or strengthening the eradication of corruption in the future," he said.
As previously reported, the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Pahala Nainggolan had provided input so that the selection committee (pansel) for the leadership candidate (capim) and the supervisory board asked for input from the institution's employees. So, in the future a suitable figure can be chosen as a leader.
This was conveyed by Pahala who said he was a representative of KPK employees when asked about the capim committee and supervisory board.
"“Kayaknya yang tahu kebutuhan KPK antara lain, ya, pegawai KPK. Karena kita tahu pasti kira-kira pimpinan kita seperti apa yang ideal,” kata Pahala kepada wartawan di Gedung Merah Putih KPK, Kuningan Persada, Jakarta Selatan yang dikutip pada Selasa, 11 Juni.
Pahala agrees that each candidate must have integrity. However, they are also expected to have managerial and leadership capabilities.
"Don't think this institution is just an honest person's capital," he said.
"There are a lot of honest people, there are a lot of honest employees. The capital of KPK employees is. That's for the Pansel, leave a message coincidentally when the committee is also my friend, ” continued Pahala.
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